CP: Nice to see you with us, welcome to our community Crypto Panda ❤️🔥
MT: Thanks, nice to be here
CP: Super excited to Have AMA with our guests : @MVRStoken
There is 2 Stegment:
1- introduction
2- Telegram Questions
let’s start first stegment Are you Ready?
MT: Yes!
CP: (Q1) Can you introduce yourself and your project to our community ?
MT: Meta MVRS Token was created for the community of Metaverse. MVRS is a multi-purpose token, that serves as a utility token to purchase unique NFT’s, Swap Coins/Tokens and use it in the project’s in-house swap hub; MVRS Swap. The team holds a burn event every Sunday, where 1% of the circulating supply is burned until 50% total supply is burned. We, the Community, are building something together. The team hosts Giveaways and Air-Drops on a Weekly basis on their Official Telegram Chat.
Meta MVRS aims to help investors find an easy way to invest in a trio; NFT, Metaverse and Crypto with ease.
CP: (Q2) Can you please tell us about MVRS token in detail?
MT: Of course
Our main points: ZERO TAX when buying or selling the token.
Security Audit complete!
Fully approved and doxxed by Bscscan: https://bscscan.com/token/0xfd9faca15558eb243ac0012cf7acfbf480574668
NFT collectibles are scheduled to launch on Q1 2022 followed by MVRS NFT Marketplace on late Q1 2022.
Meta MVRS play2earn game is scheduled to launch on Q3 2022, with a demo version out early Q2 2022.
The game will include MVRS NFT’s which will be either purchasable or won in-game and would have the ability to be sold on the project’s NFT marketplace, using MVRS Tokens.
The team recently launched a new dApp named ‘MVRS Swap’ which uses Pancakeswap’s liquidity pool and works with no fees towards the Meta MVRS team.
Meta MVRS Token was approved by BscScan and all of the project’s data is approved and validated by the team. The token has undergone a smart contract security audit and received a successful mark.
The token has ZERO TAX fees when buying or selling through decentralized exchanges.
Zero Tax feature is important to help every investor, large or small, have the ability to trade or hold $MVRS and use all of it’s utilities.
CP: (Q3) Please tell us the biggest milestone you have ever achieved and also your future milestone?
MT: We have gone 10X in price since we launched the token 1 month ago!
We are going to be listed on Coinsbit.io this saturday!
The price should 50X in the very near future!
CP: Cool 🔥 Now we will start the second segment of our AMA
(Telegram questions) 😊 , Are You Ready ?
MT: Sure
CP: In this Session, we will unmute the chat for 180 seconds so everyone can send their Questions to participate in the AMA.
(Q1) : Sir I want to buy your token. is it listed on #pancakeswap? #Binance 🙏🙏 #Kucoin 🙏🙏 #MEXC OR Any Exchangers?? Where can I buy your tokens now?? Can you tell us please?💯
MT: We have our own swap! MVRS swap: https://mvrstoken.tech/#/swap You can also buy it now before we are listed, on pancakeswap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xfd9faca15558eb243ac0012cf7acfbf480574668
(Q2) All project coins have their main utilities & real-life use case! So, can you tell us What are the main role of your coin in your ecosystem?
MT: Very good question! Our token will serve as a utility in the METAVERSE! We are developing a play2earn game, when you earn MVRS tokens and you can use you tokens to buy NFTs as well and sell it on MVRS NFT marketpkace, coming soon Q1 2022
(Q3) Which area are you focusing on at the moment? (DeFi, Stake,Dapps..) and what is your goals in this year ?
MT: We are a metaverse token, and we help investors earn the most from it!
We have developed a dapp called MVRS swap, where you can swap your MVRS to any other BEP20 token with ZERO TAX!!!
Check it our here:https://mvrstoken.tech/#/swap
Also, attached is our roadmap:https://www.mvrstoken.org/tokenomics
(Q4): What major partnerships does you project intend to use or how does your project bring its products to the average consumer — especially non-crypto users?
MT: We are working on something HUGE with a massive brand, which we cannot share at this time.
All we can say is that you can expect the price to 50X in the very near future!
(Q5): How will you increase mass adoption of your project in global level where English cannot be understood by many users?
Are there any plan of global ambassador program supporting local communities?
MT: Not many have noticed, but we enabled auto translation on our website, where it detects your area and shows you all relevant information in your native language! We plan do to many AMAs with different demographics to bring our technology and investment to everyone in the space! https://www.mvrstoken.org/
(Q6): Security audits are extremely important for any project, especially DeFi protocols that deal with user funds. So, can you explain if your project has been audited to convey confidence and security to the crypto community that is interested in investing in your project?
META MVRS PASSED A SECURITY AUDIT! HERES A LINK TO IT: https://github.com/Tech-Audit/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/TECHAUDIT_METAMVRS.pdf
CP: Thank you guy’s I hope all guy’s now have a general knowledge about MVRS token if you need any explain you can ask in :👇 TG